WORK HERE SOLVERS Lookingfor chickpea powerwitha neutraltaste? Ouringredients do that. Our steamedchickpeaflour is as easy to useasitisversatile.This minimally processedingredient providesthe nutritional qualities of chickpeaswithout the " beany " flavor. Use itasanalternative to wheatflour ingluten-free formulations or to add fiber, iron,and plant-basedprotein in bakedproductsfrom brownies to waffles. Allfroma family-owned company that believesour customersdeserve more than just greatqualityproducts. Find out moreabout GPC steamedchickpeaflourat 2024 E-mail:food.sales@grainprocessing.comPhone:563.264.4265 ©2024Grain Processing Corporation| A KentCorporation Family Business