Begin with Allied Blending At Allied Blending, we know tortillas. We offer the labor-saving formulations needed to create the varieties that your customers crave. Plus, we have the specialty products to help you build the perfect tortilla and a better bottom line - Especial® Preservatives, Flour Improver, Shelf Xtend™, No-Stick™ and Super Soft® . On-Trend BatchPak™ * Gluten Free * Low Sodium Formulations * Heart Healthy * Low Carb Advanced Technical Capabilities * BatchPak™ * Non-GMO * Clean Label * Organic * Multi-grain systems deliver consistency at the lowest cost * Proprietary liquid and dry preservative systems improve shelf life up to 120 days * In-house commercial line for customized product development * Target nutritional requirements achieved * Computer-aided dosing systems ensure blending accuracy Contact us today to see how you can take you tortillas and your profits to the next level. * Fluffy White Gordita * Low Fat ©2022 Allied Blending LP 1-800-758-4080 * All rights reserved.