How can Rexfab's pan stacker and unstacker resolve labor challenges, preserve pan integrity and boost efficiency? Rexfab's pan stacking and unstacking (PS/PU) equipment greatly reduces pan damage through our gentle handling motion control platform and the use of proprietary electromagnets. The elimination of pneumatic components has multiple benefits for the customer. Less chipping of the glazing due to slamming of pans results in savings of tens of thousands annually on the cost of reglazing. Automatic PS/PU lines greatly reduce the number of operators required to run a bakery. What is even more important is that the roles being eliminated are ... particularly challenging from an ergonomic perspective. Studies have shown that these types of jobs are highly impacted by employee turnover. Rexfab engineering has also made it easy for our customers to replace older pneumatic equipment with our stateof-the-art designs by matching the footprint of some of the more common competitors' equipment. This results in minimal installation and startup time. We typically offer a three-day installation with day one being old equipment removal, day two being installation of our machines and day three being limited production and dialing in the equipment. It is ideal for a long weekend installation. How can pan handling automation reduce costs? Bakeries spend tens of thousands of dollars each year to reglaze their pans to ensure a nonstick surface. Modern servo control and electromagnet technology result in longer pan life and reduced operational costs. Electromechanical solutions are significantly less expensive to operate than pneumatic systems. Servos with electromagnets enable bakeries to significantly reduce their energy costs. What would you say to bakers hesitant to automate pan handling due to the high capital investment costs? Are you including all of the operational cost factors in your ROI calculation? These include energy costs, labor reduction, pan replacement costs, pan reglazing costs, lost production and revenue due to damaged pans or machine jams, and exposure to work safety claims. By reducing these costs, a baker can achieve more than $170,000 annually in operational cost savings with an automated pan handling system. * Automated artisanal bread lines Let's keep baking the future together! + 1 819 846-4490 Contact Us