July 2020 19 * Vol. 42, No. 6 FEATURES 19 Look for the Helpers People increasingly support purpose-driven businesses, and in a pandemic, those companies flex their charitable-giving muscles. 24 35 35 Making Wishes Come True Aladdin Bakers continually invests in automation to take what's uniquely 'Baked in Brooklyn' across the nation. Will Love Be Enough? From the pandemic to an unprecedented economic downturn, pastry producers have their work cut out for them. 24 Cover: Aladdin Bakers' investment in a new makeup line can turn out up to 500,000 lbs a week of branded, private label and co-manufactured baked snacks and crackers. Aladdin Bakers www.bakingbusiness.com / July 2020 Baking & Snack 7http://www.bakingbusiness.com