MARKETPLACE EQUIPMENT DISPENSE CONVEY CHRISTY MACHINE & CONVEYOR Ingredient Dispensing Systems Since 1953 CHRISTY TOPPING DISPENSER & CONVEYOR SYSTEMS Consistent, reliable dispensing and delivery of dry and moist topping ingredients is why Christy Topping Dispensers and Conveyors lead the industry. Our products durability and engineered simplicity provide topping solutions that have withstood the test of time. Do you have a problem ingredient? Christy's engineers will develop a solution specifically for your needs. DEPOSIT DRY OR MOIST MATERIALS: * Deposit within a pan/peel, in rows, across the belt or spot deposits * Easy and fast pattern changes with deposit density controls * Agitation hoppers in custom and standard sizes * Affordable, quality stainless steel wash down construction * Interchangeable components for ingredient and size changes * Dedicated flour and corn meal dusting systems * Mounts to existing conveyors or Christy conveyor * C-Stand mounts on casters * Straight conveyors * Offset conveyors * 180 degree curve conveyors * 90 degree curve conveyors * Specialty performance conveyors * Incline conveyors * Reciprocating conveyors * Right angle transfer conveyors LEARN MORE at CHRISTYMACHINE.COM* (419) 332-6451* SALES@CHRISTYMACHINE.COM Christy Machine & Conveyor* 118 Birchard Avenue* Fremont, Ohio 43420 GET CONNECTED! 146 Baking & Snack April 2020 / B&S April book.indb 146 4/6/2020 11:21:24 AMhttp://www.CHRISTYMACHINE.COM