IBIE 2019 RECAP Flours * Mixes * Grains ICONIC BRANDS ORGANIC FLOURS WHOLE GRAIN INNOVATION SAFEGUARD® TREATMENT & DELIVERY SYSTEM BROAD PORTFOLIO FORMATS AVAILABLE * Ancient & Heirloom Grains * Flours * NEW! Chickpea Flour * NEW! Grain Berries * NEW! Colorado Quinoa * Grain Blends * White Sonora Wheat * Crisps (RTE) * Spelt * IQF (RTE) ™ Cultivating the future of specialty grains and plant-based ingredients CHECK OUT SOME OF OUR NEWEST INNOVATIONS WE SHOWCASED AT IBIE! To learn more about our complete portfolio, visit us at ArdentMills.com or call (888) 680.0013. #ArdentMills #TheAnnexAM ©2019 Ardent Mills, LLChttps://www.facebook.com/ArdentMills https://twitter.com/ArdentMills https://www.linkedin.com/company/ardent-mills https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkJJNypL_jYr4qdJKprr-xg https://www.instagram.com/ardentmills/ http://www.ArdentMills.com