See us at SEPTEMBER 8 - 11 BOOTH #5331 The Trusted Metal Conveyor Belt Manufacturer™ COMPACT-GRID™ CONVEYOR BELT 6XSHULRUEHOWGHVLJQWKDWLPSURYHVHɝFLHQFLHV * Maximum support for smaller products. * Joining Compact-Grid is fast and simple. * Excellent belt tracking, positive drive design. * RSHQ DUHD DOORZV IRU H[FHOOHQW ȵRZ WKURXJK * Clean-in-place design for simple sanitation. * Can easily replace plastic modular belts. * )OLJKWV DYDLODEOH IRU PRYLQJ SURGXFW XS DQ LQFOLQH ZZZZLUHEHOWFRP © Wire Belt Company of America * 154 Harvey Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 * (603) 644-2500 * sales@wirebelt.com