Sweet! M A LT E D W H E AT F L A K E S & M A LT E D P R O D U C T S N A T U R A L L Y - * th - j. . .* :: : / The latest innovative "bakethrough" from Red Star Yeast combines C) FO R L the sweet flavor profile and distinct, nutty aroma of Malted Wheat with natural whole grain goodness. This tasty source of fiber enhances a wide range of baked goods, breakfast cereals and confectionery with it's texture RED STAR Yeast Company LLC A and traditional malt y flavor. Who says nutrition can't taste great? 877.677.7000 w w w. l e s a f f r e y e a s t c o r p . c o m For more information, see Page 117 milwaukee, wisconsinhttp://www.lesaffreyeastcorp.com