- S S S Citri - Fi offers the- Ibest solution - . I S Trans and Saturated Fats S for the reduction of TM - - U I I I - s I S S I S com promisin g Taste or Cost. without I iii i Serving Size Servings Per Container Amount Per Serving Calories Calories from Fat Total Fat (78g) 260 90 90 r I Og 3g Trans Fat 2g H4I!J Sugars Protein Jl (78g) 260 Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Citri-Fi improves nutrition! 1 0 1T?DJIrui 1J1flhlUI15T7 'i1.1 .* Low 100% T rans Contro L Cake* 100% 1 Oil Shortening L'I'WAIPalm I (. 9 _ 65mg 250mg 39g Ig I. S .J liii II.1i1_' . I , IulI- tCitri App, roaches tUt-Fi Best Sotution * Common NITt utrition I1H[.T, Eli Facts - . I I % Daily Value* 15% _____ 15% 5g Og 22% ng qJ W 65mg 1' 10% 250mg mg 1i k 13% I ' 39g 1,p 4% Ig . (78g) 260 90 _ % Daily Value* lOg C itri-Fi w i t h Citri-Fi with 50% Low Trans 50% Palm Oil Shortening 230 W 65mg 10% 1 . 250mg I 39g 13% 4% 60 % Daily Dail Value* og % Daily Value * 15% 7g 18% 22% 9% 3a 15% 2g 10% 65mg ' ' 22% 65mg 13% 39g ______ oq . 4% Ig 11% % Daily Value* 6g 10% 250mg 13% 39g Ig (78g) 1220 60 _ 15% lOg 25% 3.5a 22% (78g) Og 10% 250mg 1 1ik 4% Ig 24g 24gp 24g 24g 24g 4g 4g 4g 4g 4g *Citri Fi works equally well in most baked products and a variety of food products. 1IBERSTAR ' It's the right ingredient at the right time. v additional Up ! R r cost T ' r to 3% 22% 10% 13% 4% Citri-Fi !Ilowersw cost1upi(&Pi to 3%! i1 Citri-Fi maintains the taste of your product! For more info about Citri-Fi: Contact us at 715-273-3194 Fiberstar@willmar.com RCFiberstar@aol.com For more information, see Page 117 V isit us at IFT Booth 1363 See and Taste the Difference for Yourself! I .11 ' - or Request Samples!