Kwik Lok De€erie CONVENIENCE 4 Q UALITY Consumcr wa nt convenience and qual ity in the products they purcha ic. E&cy to open and equ ally ca y to rc 1o e. the aIL-pb Iic Kwik Lok Bag C]o ure etains its origina] shape . pnwiding convenien ce rmm th fir t th c tü the la L A Kwik Lok Bag Closure in ure i that your bakery priidu t hac the hess opport uaity to remain fresh while the p wkag&s pr idu.c1 is consun d. A p iik a e thai is easy to recl se wilL be recla ed, pro4cciing yew- produet s rr sh nes.c and qu ality. Conv enienc e and qua i1y. pluc a dcpcnd b1c b g closing cy tcm th I can minim iic your pw bge cos .c. Kwik Lok delivcni ! 1-8OOLa 1. L I ,p Tk h c ( .ri.J i k u ii4 at i ;r4 wJ KwIk L01c1' H E P.O EX J1IV -5945 iL I. Iipki i TEL Li 4 C IcIN E. I- F OX 18 AI I MA. Wk - 8-5 45 or 15OU 24L4770 : O9I I57- 531 InI mIl. i For more information, see Page 117